Alter ego -sitsis 23.3.

Feb. 28, 2017, 7:07 p.m.


Once again, it’s time for Skilta and Mentor’s interdisciplinary overall sitsi’s!

This time the theme is Alter ego, so dress up, join the party and unleash your secret identity! The sitsit’s are held in Bommari, and the afterparty is held at bar Doris (Alekstanterinkatu 20) with Luuppi ry.

WHAT: Mentor and Skilta academic table party - afterparty with Luuppi WHERE: At TTY’s Bommari, and bar Doris WHEN: Thursday March 23th, at 6PM COSTS: With alcohol 17 euros, alcohol-free 14 euros – Doris- entry is 3 euros THEME: Your alter ego and OVERALLS SING UP: Starts 27.2 and ends 19.3. 23:55

Sign-up for Skilta: Facebook:

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