
Oct. 6, 2017, 2:24 p.m.


Skilta, Hiukkanen, TeLe and PES welcome you to the traditional festivities of home made wine and beer! Come visit Sähkötalo courtyard on 9th October from 12 to 15 to give your taste buds and head a ride they won't forget.

Whether you're bringing your tasty wine or beer to be enjoyed by the visitors and judged by the jury of highest of qualifications, or just stopping by to taste some of the most exquisite of artisan delicacy, it is recommended to keep an open mind and to have 1 euro for a mug.

No signing up needed, just bring yourself and your production to the premises. Best wine will receive a prize!

Again this year during HerkkuWiiniFestarit there's an own competition for homebrewed beers! Making a good beer takes its time as it takes a while to mature, so be sure to brew them as soon as possible. You can enter the competition with only a few bottles for the judges, but if you bring at least five litres of beer for everyone at the event to taste, PES is offering to rent their brewing equipment for free for this beer. The winner of the beer competition will be rewarded with a 20 euro gift certificate to Panimonurkka, so make your beers good!

Remember the rules regarding alcohol in the corridors of the university.

NOTE! Unique fuksipoints for fuksis

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