Anniversary seminar + sitsis

Oct. 2, 2017, 2:05 p.m.


Skilta's Anniversary Seminar will be held on 27.10.2017 at TUT, followed by Generations collide sitsi’s at restaurant Pranzo. The seminar starts at 15.30 and ends approximately at 18. The exact place at TUT will be announced later.

The seminar's program consists of three speakers from different areas of the electrical industry: Aki Korpela, a former lecturer at TUT, Tuomas Vanhanen, author of "Valot päälle!", and Kai Vuokko, former chairman of Sähkökilta and the CEO of Santa Monica Networks. All of the speeches are held in Finnish.

The speeches will start at 16.00 after a short coffee service. If you wish to attend the coffee service, please sign up for the seminar.

After this, we will move to restaurant Pranzo (Insinöörinkatu 40, 33720 Tampere) for Sukupolvet kohtaa -sitsi's which begin at 19:00. Both the alumni and current students are welcome to both events. The dress code is smart casual. Attending the seminar is free, and the sitsi's cost 35€ per person.

After the sitsi's there will be an after party at location X.

Sign up for both the seminar and sitsi’s: starting from 2.10.2017 at 12.00. Facebook: and

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