The Guilds Opening Sauna

Aug. 23, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

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The Guilds' Opening Sauna is here again to celebrate the opening of the next academic year! Keeping to traditions, this event is held at a sauna near lake Kivijärvi ("Kivijärvi Leirikeskus", Kivijärventie 168, 34110 Ylöjärvi; approx. 25 km from Tampere) on Thursday during the first actual school week (August 30th). Activities there include i.e. playing kyykkä, kumipelausISO, and volleyball, as well as the sauna and a concert by NMKSV Big Band! To make sure no-one gets hungry, free lettus are served on the hill and grill food can be purchased from the kitchen.

You can drive there yourself (do not drink and drive) or come by bus. Bus and parking tickets cost 10 euros and includes a unique event badge!

The tickets are sold on Tuesday 28th of August at 1:00 pm in the lobby of Sähkötalo. A special ticket sale for fuxis and tutors will also be arranged on Wednesday 22nd of August at 10:00 in Feastia.

The buses depart as follows: - 200 seats at 15:00 - 200 seats at 16:30

Returns: - 200 seats at 22:00 - 200 seats at 0:00

Tickets are sold to specific buses, so decide beforehand which bus you are going to ride to Ylöjärvi! Buses will leave from the parking area behind Tietotalo. The return bus everyone with a ticket may pick freely. Each bus will travel through central Tampere, including the Kolmio party.

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