Blast from the past

Oct. 25, 2017, 3:11 p.m.


Each and every student should be able to experience at least one true anniversary party of their guild. As the action begins again in less than 4 months, there has been almost 5 years since the last one, as Skilta 45th anniversary was celebrated in February 2013.

When the coctail party with a cello-playing beuty had been completed in a private wine cellar in Tampere city center, the crowd took a brief march to the main celebration venue. Just like in the 40th anniversary.

Beside all the mandatory speeches and guild acknowledgements there were numerous aunts and uncles from the past, and also dance / acrobat show Duo Minja. And there also was enough of afterparty: first in Hatanpää and then in Pormestari sauna. Dance hits played till the morning, cigarette lounge was a huge success and we had to call 112 only once. Truly ace and diamonds.

The brunch was ebin. At Teekkarisauna there was almost anything you could imagine from troubadour to a boat motor. Sparkling wine and beer flowed in streams. Also DJ duo Muna Kollektiv was great in their captain clothes.

What does this years anniversary team reach? Will the ceremony master be broken again? Will we see Kirka perform at the afterparty? Will TKL fail again? Come find out! Skilta 50th anniversary party on Saturday 17.2.2018!

-Mikko Eronen

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