Skilta and TiTe’s ice swimming on Sundays

Feb. 2, 2019, 11:32 a.m.


Skilta organizes together with Tite TEK sponsored a weekly ice swimming and sauna event for their members on Sundays from 13.30 to 15.00. This weekly event starts 3.2.2019 and last to 28.4.2019 and it’s held at Hervanta’s lake Suolijärvi.

The place has a gas grill, ice swimmers dressing room and Suolijärvi’s cottage’s showers with lockers. Take swimming suit (compulsory, wish from the owner of the sauna), own towel and sausages with you. Alcohol and ice swimming are bad together, but feel free to have your drinks after ice swimming.

The sauna fits about 15 people inside at the same time so please give room to other ice swimmers if there are a lot of people! Remember that ice swimming is done at one's own risk!

More information about the sauna can be find here:

Facebook event:

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