Skiltas and TiTes fuksikyykkä

Jan. 4, 2018, 2:51 p.m.


Welcome on 11th of January to TST-fuksikyykkä where will be a unique chance to get to know how to play kyykkä and compete with fellow Tite and Sähköfuksis. The event will be happening at the TUT’s backyard parking area. The best TiTe and best Sähköteam will be rewarded with a teamslot in World Championships of Academic Kyykkä 2018. So gather yourself a team of 4 fuksis and register your team at If you are searching for a team, try to use all communication channels to find yourself teammates.

Kyykkä is a sport suitable for everyone. For the most fuksis this will be their first time playing so it would be a great opportunity to learn the game. The most important rules you can find You don’t have to worry about succeeding but just to have fun.

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