Skilta's officials in 2019!

Jan. 15, 2019, 6:18 p.m.


Skilta has chosen this years officials!

Media Official: Sofia Finn Virtanen

Sport Official: Heidi Silvanto

Treasurer Help: Kalle Luotola

IT Official: Max Mecklin

Alumni Official: Tiia Moilanen

Excursions: Lari Leino

Corporate Affairs Assistant: Antti-Jussi Mäkipää

TEK Connection: Jukka Johansson

Events Assistants: Nuutti Nissinen, Ellinoora Toivonen, Etti Saariniemi

Guild Room Assistant: Miika Kotajärvi

International Official: Juhani Takalo

Drink Official: Kaisa Voranen

Food Official: Heidi Melkko

Food-Drink Official: Aurora Kaaja

Consult: Adam Zeidan

Looker: Mikko Kauhanen

Project Assistants: Mervi Mahlamäki, Henri Ponkala

In their previous jobs are staying Anniversary Officials Tuukka Haapakumpu, Mikko Impiö and Kaisa Kjellman and also Electric Shepherd will still be Jesse Christensen.

Congratulations to all!

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