Officials for the year of 2018

Jan. 21, 2018, 7:59 p.m.


Skilta has chosen the officials for the year 2018:

International Officer - Alexandra Prinz Corporate Affairs Assistant - Jonas Virolainen Excursions - Tommi Mehtonen Event Assistant - Roope Raisio Event Assistant - Juho Elovaara Event Assistant - Salla-Mari Palokari Guild Room Assistant – Nuutti Nissinen Guild Room Assistant – Tiia Uotila Guild Room Assistant – Kirsi Pietilä Project Assistant - Lari Karvinen Alumni Official - Lauri Suomela Sports Official - Ville Saarinen TEK Connection - Jussi Kekki Editor in Chief - Atte Lamminsalo IT Official – Iiro Vuorio IT Official - Max Mecklin Photographer - Viktor Mykrä Consult - Mikko Kauhanen AliExpress - Aliisa Palm

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