Influence your degree -breakfast

Nov. 21, 2017, 3:22 p.m.


"Influence Your Degree" breakfast Nov 24th @Campus Club

Facebook event:

With Tampere3 already knocking on the door, TUT's faculties are redefining our degrees with better sense of what are the skills that B.Sc. and M.Sc. obtain while studying. Additionally our Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering is revamping our majors by combining them into more coherent modules.

Our degrees haven't seen this big changes in ages, which is why our faculty wants to hear our feedback on them.

Skilta organizes a "Influence Your Degree" breakfast in collaboration with the faculty's staff on Friday 24th, from 9 a.m. to 11 Campus Club, where breakfast is served. In addition to the themes already mentioned, you can give feedback on the current degrees as whole, directly to the staff.

Please note that speeches in this event are held in Finnish. You are nevertheless warmly welcome to give your opinions about the changes!

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