Anniversary officials wanted

Sept. 25, 2016, 11:25 a.m.


Skilta is still looking for two anniversary official to organize Skilta's 49th anniversary celebration in February. As an an­niversary of­fi­cial you are sup­posed to plan the an­niversary cel­eb­ra­tion be­fore­hand and then at the cel­eb­ra­tion you are re­spons­ible of all the ar­range­ments. As an an­niversary of­fi­cial you get a valu­able ex­per­i­ence of or­gan­iz­ing a great event and you get to be cre­at­ive!

From Skilta's page you will find pic­tures from last years cel­eb­ra­tion:­is­juh­lat/

More in­form­a­tion from juha.koykka@stu­

The in­ter­view for the ap­plic­ants will be on Wed­nes­day 28th of Septem­ber at 10:00 in librarys meeting room Argon. If you want to ap­ply for the job but can't make it to the in­ter­view please send an email ap­plic­a­tion to the ad­dress: skilta@list­ on Tues­day 27th of Septem­ber at the latest.

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