Tentin tekstisisältö

BME-1167 Biomaterials - 15.10.2012

Tentin tekstisisältö

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Alkuperäinen tentti
Exam BME-1167 Biomedical engineering: Biomaterials 15.10.2012
Examiner: Niina Ahola
NO caleulators or dictionaries allowed! Answer in English!

NOTE that there are also guestions on the other side of the paper.

Ouestion 1.

a) How can biomaterials be classified? Name four different ways of classification (1p).
Choose one of those you mentioned and explain into which groups materials can be
grouped in that particular classification (2p). Give examples of materials belonging to

each of those groups (1p).

b) Define following terms shortly (1/2 p each) :
e Biocompatibility
e Cytotoxicity
e vitro

e Implant

Ouestion 2.

a) Define the different types of tissue response to the implant. (4 p)

b) Which material properties influence the behavior of materials in living tissue? Mention


four of them and explain them briefly. (2 p)

Ouestion 3.

a) Explain the disadvantages of using metals in biomedical applications. (4 p)

b) How does the passive oxide layer function in preventing corrosion of metals in body

environment? (2 p)


BME-1167 Exam 28.11.2011

Ouestion 4.

c) Are following statements true or false? Explain also shortly why? (2 p, 1/2 p each)
1. — Bulk erosion is one way of hydrolytic degradation.
2 A material can be absolutely inert in living tissue environment.
3. — Bioabsorbable polymers are used in long term applications.

Natural polymers usually have good biocompatibility.

a) If you had all the biomaterials discussed in this course to choose from, which material

would you choose to deliver an antibiotic to an infected muscle? Explain also shortly
why. (2 p)

b) Bioactive glasses can be divided into two groups. Which are they and what is the

difference between them? (2 p)

Ouestion 5.

a) Why are composites used in biomedical applications? (3 p)
b) How can the properties ofa composite be estimated? Is this method reliable? (2 p)

c) How would you test the mechanical properties of a screw intended for bone fracture

fixation? (1 p)


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