Student association of Electrical Engineering at Tampere University since 1968.
Welcome to sits with TiTe on tuesday 6.3. at 18:00! Sitsit are held in Bommari. Dress code is cross-dressing in...
Skilta remembered some former and current Skilta-members. The honorary membership of Skilta was given to these persons: Kirsi Nousiainen Susanna Ketola Pia Humalajoki Minna...
General assembly transcript (2018)
Skilta has chosen the officials for the year 2018: International Officer - Alexandra Prinz Corporate Affairs Assistant - Jonas Virolainen Excursions - Tommi...
Welcome on 11th of January to TST-fuksikyykkä where will be a unique chance to get to know how to play...
Skiltas annual Kyykkä tournament will once again be played with Bioner and Biopsi! The tournament will be held on 15.1....
Financial statement of the year 2017
TUT Student Union has published an address about merging TUT to Tampere University. To make sure our voices and opinions...
Skilta wants YOU to apply to be a Skilta Official! You have a great chance to get yourself to action and...
Skilta Board for 2018 has been chosen! Chairman of the Board: Adam Zeidan Treasurer: Saana Kaario Secretary: Heidi Silvanto Events Official: Joel Hakulinen Fuksi Captain:...
Welcome to play sports on our excercise hours!
You can find old exams held at Tampere University in the exam archive. Surely there's no better exam rehearsal material than the exams themselves!
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