Exam archive

Sähkökilta manages an exam archive you can use to support your studies.

Welcome to the exam archive of Sähkökilta!

Welcome to the exam archive of Sähkökilta. This archive contains old exams from courses at Tampere University. Currently the archive contains 1198 exams in total from 400 different courses. To keep the exam archive up-to-date, we hope that members of Sähkökilta would send exams they have taken so the exams could be archived. You can send exams for archival by dragging the exam files to the box below. If you have problems or questions regarding the exam archive, please send an email to tenttiarkisto(at)skilta.fi.

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Search the exam archive

You can search the archive by course code, course name or by extracts from the text of an exam.


Piiriteoria Equivalent to: DEE-10100 / EE.030 / DEE-11000 / SMG-1100 10 exam(s) Open


Sähkömagnetiikka Equivalent to: DEE-12000 / EE.120 / SMG-1300 1 exam(s) Open


Sähköverkkotekniikka Equivalent to: DEE-23010 / EE.EES.200 / SVT-3310 / SVT-3311 10 exam(s) Open


Sähköturvallisuus ja -asennukset Equivalent to: DEE-23020 / EE.EES.210 / SVT-3320 / SVT-3321 2 exam(s) Open


Suurjännitetekniikka Equivalent to: DEE-23060 / EE.EES.240 / SVT-4300 1 exam(s) Open


Fundamentals of Electrical and Power Engineering Equivalent to: DEE-23106 / EE.EES.300 1 exam(s) Open


Introduction to Smart Grids and Renewable Energy Equivalent to: DEE-23216 / EE.EES.310 1 exam(s) Open


Sähköverkkojen mallintaminen ja analyysi Equivalent to: DEE-24000 / EE.EES.400 / SVT-3400 2 exam(s) Open


Sähkövoimajärjestelmän säätö ja käyttö Equivalent to: DEE-24010 / EE.EES.410 / SVT-3411 / SVT-3412 2 exam(s) Open


Electric Power Quality Equivalent to: DEE-24026 / EE.EES.420 2 exam(s) Open


Electrical Energy Storages and Electric Vehicles Equivalent to: DEE-54206 / EE.EES.460 2 exam(s) Open


Transistorit ja vahvistinpiirit Equivalent to: ELT-21051 / EE.ELE.210 3 exam(s) Open


Operaatiovahvistinkytkennät Equivalent to: ELT-21250 / EE.ELE.400 1 exam(s) Open


Sulautetut käyttöliittymät Equivalent to: ENER-8010 / EE.ELE.530 2 exam(s) Open


Mikrokontrollerit Equivalent to: ELT-21300 / EE.ELT.250 1 exam(s) Open


Sähkökoneet Equivalent to: DEE-33010 / EE.PEE.200 / TEL-1330 3 exam(s) Open


Johdatus uusiutuviin energialähteisiin Equivalent to: DEE-53000 / DEE-53100 / EE.REE.200 1 exam(s) Open


Tuulivoiman perusteet Equivalent to: DEE-53020 / EE.REE.220 2 exam(s) Open


Solar Power Systems Equivalent to: DEE-53117 / EE.REE.310 1 exam(s) Open


Wind power systems Equivalent to: DEE-54107 / EE.REE.320 / ELE-1010 2 exam(s) Open

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