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ELT-61106 Human Anatomy and Physiology - 04.12.2015 (End-term exam)

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Original exam
ELT-61106 Human Anatomy and Physiology
End-term exam 4.12.2015
Aim at constructive and compact answers. Use clear handwriting. Use pencil. Use graphs, if
possible. Draw a margin on the exercise papers.
1. Answer graphically to the following problems (max. 10 points):
EY) Draw a schematic figure of the nephron and name its functional components.
b) Draw an idealized tracing of the various respiratory volumes of a healthy man and

mark the folloing volumes: Tidal volume, Inspiratory reserve volume, Expiratory

reserve volume, Residual volume and Vital capacity.


2. Explain briefly the following physiological concepts (max. 10 points)
a) phases of blood-clotting,

b) pulmonary surfactant and its role,

c) oxygen saturation of blood and dissociation curve of hemoglobin,

d) enteric nervous system.

3. Describe the following concepts of the cardiovascular system. (max 15 points):

a) Structure and functioning of the intrinsic conduction system of the heart.

b) Cardiac output and factors acting on that.

4. Describe the integrated regulation mechanisms of the water and electrolyte balance

in the body. (max. 15 points)

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