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ELT-61106 Human Anatomy and Physiology - 13.10.2015 (Mid-term exam)

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Original exam

ELT-61106 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Mid-term exam 13.10.2015

Aim at constructive and compact answers. Use clear handwriting. Use pencil. Use graphs, if
possible. Draw a margin on the exercise papers.

1. Answer graphically to the following problems (max. 10 points):

a) Draw a schematic figure of the anatomy of the ear, and briefly explain how the sound
wave is propagated through the ear and what the role of each anatomical structure in
hearing is.

b) Draw a schematic figure of different motor units and briefly explain what role of the

motor unit is playing in muscle contraction.

2: Explain briefly the following physiological concepts (max. 10 points)
a) negative feedback

b) hypertonic and hypotonic solutions

c) osteoporosis

d) receptive field

e) lateral inhibition

3: Describe the following neural transmission stages phase-by-phase (max 15 points):

a) transmission of the signal as a propagation of action potential in presynaptic cell

b) transmission of the signal at chemical synapses

c) generation of the action potential in the postsynaptic cell as a response to synaptic

4. Describe the integrated response and regulation of the body to the acute stress. (max.

15 points)

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