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ELT-63106 Measurements of Physiological Systems - 10.02.2014

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Original exam
ELT-63106 Measurements of Physiological Systems
Exam 10.2.2014 (Juha Nousiainen)
Use of calculators is NOT allowed.

To pass the exam, you must get at least 40% of the maximum points in ALL problems AND at
least 40 points in total. Use clear handwriting. Aim at analytical and well structured answers.

1. Basic measurement principles. Answer only one of the following guestions, a) or b) (max. 20 p.):

a) The electrode-skin interface and its importance for the bioelectrical measurements and
measurement instrumentation.


b) The absorption of light into the tissue, absorption photo spectrometry, and its importance in
clinical diagnostics.

2. Compare from several points of view the two different approaches and systems to record the
electrocardiogram, ECG: the standard 12-lead ECG system and the Frank vectorcardiographic
VCG — system. Make the comparison in a chart, where you define the comparative features of the
systems and their differences in ECG and VCG. (If you cannot precisely identify the how the
methods differ, give and define still the feature that differs between ECG and VCG. Consider the
differences from all possible relevant points of view) (max. 20 p.)

3. To measure physiological guantities there are usually several alternative measurement methods
available. Consider the following physiological guantities and describe in all cases two different
alternative methods to measure them. (max. 20 points)

a) Respiratory gas flow
b) Ventilation rate

c) Stroke volume

d) Arterial blood pressure

4. Patient monitoring during anaesthesia. (max. 20 p.)
Explain meaning of anaesthesia and give a list of important physiological guantities that are
usually monitored during the anaesthesia and briefly explain their measurement principle
applicable to monitoring purpose during anaesthesia.

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