Exam text content

ELT-63306 Fysiologisten järjestelmien mallintaminen - 21.11.2013

Exam text content

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Original exam
ELT-63306 Modeling of Physiological Systems,
Exam 26.11.2013

1. Describe three different uses of computational model in medicine. Give examples as well

2. a)Compare Empirical model (black box model) versus theoretical model. How these
modeling methods work in modeling physiological systems?
b) Figure below is measurement of lung volume as function of pressure. Describe how you
would use the data to build a black box model? Is it possible to build other kinds of models
using the data?


5 Emphysema


ume (1)

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o 10 20 30 40
Trenseulmonary pressure (om H20)

Flgure 34—7. Static expiratory pressure-volume curves of
lungs in normal subject and subjects with severe emphy-
sema and pulmonary fibrosis. (Modified, with permission,
from Pride NB, Mackem PT: Lung mechanics in disease.
Pages 659—692 of Vol 111, Pant 2, ot: Handbook of Physiol-
ogy. Seclian 3: The Respiratory System. Fishman AP [edi-
tor]. American Physiological Society, 1986.)


3. In the picture above right there is a FEM computational flow model of the blood pulse in
aorta (deformation+ pressure in grey scale). Describe a) how this kind of model can be
constructed (what data needed), and b) what kind of boundary conditions are reguired to
solve this model?


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EMAIL: jari.hyttinen(Otut.fi.


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