Student association of Electrical Engineering at Tampere University since 1968.
Action plan for the year 2019
Budget estimate for the year 2019
General assembly transcript (2019)
Sähkökilta ry's second general assembly will be held next monday 28.10.2019 at 16:30 in SA207 (S4) Discussions mainly in changes on...
Skilta’s is recruiting a new board for year 2020! Chair of the Board application period is 14.-21.10.2019 here:...
Skilta is looking for honor committee, but these positions require fluent finnish.
Now you can be Skilta's support member! Skilta's support membership fee is 20 € and it is valid for a...
Skilta has new officials, they were selected in board's meeting 16.9.. Thank you to all the applicants, the competition was...
Skilta's board is looking for new officials, but unfortunately all these positions require fluent finnish. Some positions for english speaking...
It is time to pay Sähkökilta’s membership fee! This year you can pay with account transfer. If you have to,...
Welcome to play sports on our excercise hours!
You can find old exams held at Tampere University in the exam archive. Surely there's no better exam rehearsal material than the exams themselves!
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