Student association of Electrical Engineering at Tampere University since 1968.
Skilta's board and general meeting has chosen new officials, one new board member, new spare representitave for teekkarivaltuusto and new...
General assembly transcript (2019)
This is an invitation to Skiltas general spring meeting. The event will be held in finnish and will...
This position requires fluent Finnish. Skilta has opened the application for Fuksivastaava! Fuksivastaava has many jobs, helping new...
Would you be interested in shooting for the stars, developing the guild and participating in good vibes sessions? All that...
It's time to choose the Guild Member of the Year! The title is given to a member of...
Skilta organizes together with Tite TEK sponsored a weekly ice swimming and sauna event for their members on Sundays from...
Skilta has chosen this years officials! Media Official: Sofia Finn Virtanen Sport Official: Heidi Silvanto Treasurer Help:...
Board meeting decision list 2019/9
Board meeting decision list 2019/27
Welcome to play sports on our excercise hours!
You can find old exams held at Tampere University in the exam archive. Surely there's no better exam rehearsal material than the exams themselves!
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