
Student association of Electrical Engineering at Tampere University since 1968.

Current affairs

Autumn General Assembly

General assembly transcript (2021)

10:20 14th Sep 2022

Autumn General Assembly

General assembly transcript (2020)

10:16 14th Sep 2022

Take part in the guild clothing vote!

Hello Skilta members! Here is some very important information about guild clothing. Just like last year, we will be selling clothes...

14:14 13th Sep 2022

Suggest an acknowledgement

In connection with the upcoming 55th anniversary of our guild, various acknowledgements will be awarded to deserving individuals and communities. For the acknowledgements, we naturally want to hear the opinions and suggestions of members and alumni. The guild can award several different acknowledgements. Of these, the guild's Honorary Membership, Silver Badge of Merit and Guild Standars have traditionally been saved for the even-year anniversary. In connection with Honorary Membership of the guild, a Badge of Honor is awarded. The highest honor granted by the guild is Honorary membership of the guild. Honorary membership can be granted to a person who has significantly contributed and supported the activities of the guild. Honorary memberships have traditionally been granted to persons who have worked for the benefit of the organization for a long time. The guild's Silver Badge of Merit can be awarded to a person who has promoted the guild's efforts with his selfless activity. The guild's silver badge of merit is worn by the current and former members of the board, as well as a few other Skiltans. The guild's standard is awarded to a person or an organization that has contributed the guild's efforts with their activities or actions. During their existence, standards have been awarded along with other awards and separately to the guild's significant partners and friendly organizations. There are no unequivocal criteria for awarding acknowledgements, and judgment is used in awarding them. So please propose recipients of acknowledgements with an open mind and include fair justifications in the proposal. Acknowledgements are awarded relatively rarely, so even those who have already left active guild activities behind can very well earn an acknowledgement. If you want, you can leave your contact information in the form in addition to the reasons, so we can ask more about the possible honoree.

10:40 13th Sep 2022

Save the date of Skilta's 55 anniversary party!

Skilta celebrates 55 year anniversary next February. Save the date 4.-5.2.2023 to your calendar. More info in the future...

10:11 2nd Sep 2022

Sähkösanomat 2 / 2022

Sähkösanomat number 2 / 2022 has been released!

15:32 19th Aug 2022

Membership of Sähkökilta fee2022–2023

Hello hello dear members! Soon the courses will begin so now is great time to pay the membership fee...

18:37 11th Aug 2022

Meeting study counsellor during summer

Study counsellor will be leaving for summer vacation after May. If you have any urgent questions regarding studies, please contact...

11:30 6th May 2022

A logo competition for Sähkökilta's 55th anniversary

A logo competition for Sähkökilta's 55th anniversary opens today! Do you want to immortalize your own work for Sähkökilta's anniversary party?...

15:18 3rd May 2022

Sähkösanomat 1 / 2022

Sähkösanomat number 1 / 2022 has been released!

11:22 29th Apr 2022

Exercise hours

Welcome to play sports on our excercise hours!


20:00 21:00
Bommari, 1st playing field



19:00 20:00
Bommari, 2nd playing field


Problems with planning your studies?

Our study advisor is here to help! The study advisor of the Electrical Engineering degree programme can help you with selecting courses, planning your schedule and completing courses as well as other school related matters.

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An exam is coming but rehearsal material is nowhere to be seen?

You can find old exams held at Tampere University in the exam archive. Surely there's no better exam rehearsal material than the exams themselves!

Exam archive

Interested in collaboration?

We offer tailored collaboration packages to businesses. Regardless of whether your needs are big or small, we have you covered.

Read more


Give feedback

With feedback we can improve our guild to be even better. You can give either anonymous or non-anonymous feedback.

If you want, you can give an E-mail address which we can use to contact you, but it's not required.
Please write the characters in the image into the text field.

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