
Student association of Electrical Engineering at Tampere University since 1968.

Current affairs

The board of 2022 has been chosen!

The board of 2022 has been chosen! Here it is: Chair of the board - Janne Nousiainen Secretary - Kalle...

12:10 12th Nov 2021

Skilta’s is recruiting a new board for year 2022!

Chair of the Board application period is 13.-27.10.2021 here. Chair of the Board applications will be visible to members immediately. Application...

12:55 13th Oct 2021

Skilta's new food-Drink Officials!

Sähkökilta has chosen five new Food-Drink Officials! They are Jarno Saarinen, Endrit Isufi, Lauri Ala-Lammi, Noa Ahl ja Katariina Koski.

10:49 7th Oct 2021

Sähkökilta is looking for two Food-Drink Officials

Sähkökilta is fast looking for two (2) Food-Drink Officials to be part of the board until 3.10. You are the person...

9:20 22nd Sep 2021

Skilta merch is coming NOW!

The long-awaited wait will finally be over, as Skilta merch is coming NOW! You have the opportunity to recognize the...

10:08 2nd Sep 2021

Membership fee for the 2021–2022

It's now possible to pay the membership fee for the 2021–2022 year. You can submit a membership information in form,...

10:02 2nd Sep 2021

SkiltaCC will be closed on 1.6.2021, please save your information!

SkiltaCC is a remote Linux shell service available at skilta.cc.tut.fi maintained by Sähkökilta. Until now, the service has been available...

15:22 3rd May 2021

New fuksi officials

Skilta has chosen new fuksi officials, Tommi Lumpo and Sonja Myllynen. They will start during Wappu. Gongratulations!

18:59 22nd Feb 2021

Skilta has opened fuksi official application

Skilta is searching for new fuksi officials, but unfortunately the position is only in Finnish...

13:55 3rd Feb 2021

Sähkökilta's new officials in 2021

The board of Sähkökilta has selected new officials to aid with operations in 2021 Corporate Relations Officials: Sonja Myllynen & Simo...

22:05 17th Jan 2021

Exercise hours

Welcome to play sports on our excercise hours!


20:00 21:00
Bommari, 1st playing field


Group exercise

15:00 16:00
Tamppi Arena, group exercise room



19:00 20:00
Bommari, 2nd playing field


Ball games

15:00 16:00
Tamppi Arena, ball games hall, 1st section


Problems with planning your studies?

Our study advisor is here to help! The study advisor of the Electrical Engineering degree programme can help you with selecting courses, planning your schedule and completing courses as well as other school related matters.

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An exam is coming but rehearsal material is nowhere to be seen?

You can find old exams held at Tampere University in the exam archive. Surely there's no better exam rehearsal material than the exams themselves!

Exam archive

Interested in collaboration?

We offer tailored collaboration packages to businesses. Regardless of whether your needs are big or small, we have you covered.

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Give feedback

With feedback we can improve our guild to be even better. You can give either anonymous or non-anonymous feedback.

If you want, you can give an E-mail address which we can use to contact you, but it's not required.
Please write the characters in the image into the text field.

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